Tag: WH Allen
Cosplaying, Dr. Who Collectors Podcast, Outrageous Offer, Podcast Episodes
Episode 82: The World’s Largest Doctor Who Collection
On today’s show we talk to the holders of the world record for the largest Doctor Who Collection as verified by the Guiness Book. William…Listen now -
Cosplaying, Dr. Who Collectors Podcast, Outrageous Offer, Podcast Episodes
Episode 81: It Belongs in a Museum with Neil Cole
On today’s show we talk with Neil Cole, the curator and founder of the Museum of Classic Sci-Fi in Northumberland (UK). We talk about his…Listen now -
Cosplaying, Dr. Who Collectors Podcast, Outrageous Offer, Podcast Episodes
Episode 80: Classic Hardcovers of 1985 with Tony Whitt
On today’s show we explore the WH Allen hardcovers published and sold in 1985! 13 books with one reprinted book. This would be the last…Listen now -
Alien Entertainment, Chicago Tardis, Collection Protections, Doctor Who Classic Hardcovers 1982, Dr. Who Collectors Podcast, Outrageous Offer, Podcast Episodes, Tony Whitt, WH Allen Hardcovers
Episode 65: Classic Hardcovers of 1982 with Tony Whitt
The Universal Tandem company’s imprint of WH Allen produced 9 hardcover books in 1982. The print runs are winding down and this money-losing venture continues…Listen now