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Today we cover the 1986 WH Allen, Amereon, Aeonian, and Nelson Doubleday hardcovers in our continuing series about these hard-to-find books.  Joining me is Tony Whitt, the host of the Doctor Who Target Book Club Podcast. I cover the information and value while Tony tells you what the story was worth. This and the most outrageous offer.  The books covered here in publication order: Revenge of the Cybermen (Amereon) Mark of the Rani The Further Adventures of Doctor Who (Nelson-Doubleday) The King’s Demons The Savages The Giant Robot Slipback Fury From the Deep Loch Ness Monsters (Amereon) The Celestial Toymaker Image of the Fendahl (Aeonain/Amereon) Seeds of Death Black Orchid The Ark The Mind Robber The Faceless Ones. Check our the hardcover guide from the link above. You can listen to this podcast here, Apple Podcasts, and Podbean!  I am also on most other platforms.  
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