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How do you celebrate the landmark episode of a podcast you’ve been doing for years now that talks about Target books? Talk about something entirely different! This time, our three-person discussion panel of Tony Whitt, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, and Dalton Hughes is joined by friend of the podcast Larry VanMersbergen for a special bumper volume (hey, that’s a Target reference) for a joint episode with his own show, THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST. And what are we discussing? Only the first major crossover between our favorite show and another franchise (and no, I don’t mean the DARK SHADOWS/VAMPIRELLA comic, either): THE DOCTOR AND THE ENTERPRISE! The not-at-all Target book we will be covering in this episode can be found in four parts (text only) starting at the first link below, or in PDF version at the second link:…-enterprise-part-1/…tYbY9am5QDDa?dl=0 app downloadAdditional Resources: Link to Most Outrageous Offer: Most Outrageous Offer Link to Collection Protection (Standard Magazine Bag): Collection Protection Images discussed in the podcast:
The first appearance of this story. R&R issue 13 (1981)
First Standalone edition, 1982. Free publication
2nd Printing of the standalone edition, date unknown. Free publication
Elusive 3rd printing with art by Gail Bennett 1983. Very hard to find
First printing commercially with permission in Enterprise Magazine issue 1 – in four parts across the first four issues.
Issue #2 with part 2. No higher res available. Hard to find.
Issue #3 with part 3.
Issue #4 with first photo cover. Part 4 is included here.
The first illegal commercial publication. Done without permission of the author. New Media Publications 1985
Rare 2nd edition, again without author’s consent. Date unknown, hard to find
3rd printing from New Media Press, still illegal and without permission of the author. 1986
A badly edited 4th edition by Pioneer books. All proper Star Trek and Dr. Who names changed but content still published without the Author’s permission.
The only fanzine to reprint “The Doctor and the Lieutenant” The racy sequel. This underground fanzine was published in 1982. Very hard to find. I have one copy.
Sample artwork from “The Blue Guardian” #13. Interesting how this story was in #13 of both fanzines.
The rest of the images are the artwork from the First illegal printing. The artist is Tom Holtkamp and you can still buy the originals on ebay for $25 each.
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